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Is Bockland a dog training center?

No. Bockland is a playground with constant supervision, that also functions as a dog daycare, that was designed to provide regular positive and diverse experiences to help dogs develop their natural social skills. It is not uncommon for owners to confuse the lack of social skills with the need for training. There is also an area for owners to enjoy drinks and snacks.


What is dog socialization?

It is the process that makes a dog enjoy interactions and be comfortable with other dogs, people, places and activities, which helps them be psychologically stable and become more friendly and confident. Lack of proper socialization will lead to a dog who is fearful, nervous, and anxious about his/her environment, including other dogs and people.


Do I need to make a reservation to attend Bockland or use daycare?

No. We understand how last-minute changes can impact on the routine set up to provide for dogs’ needs, so we are committed to making it as simple as possible for dog owners. You can just show up at the club whenever you want or need to.


It is going to be my first time at Bockland, what do I need to know?

New dogs and owners must go through a registration process, so in future visits we will just check the dog in and out. As part of the registration, we will need to see dog’s vaccination certificates.


Can all dogs attend Bockland?

Bockland reserves the right to admit or exclude dogs/owners from the premises to preserve security, and to avoid problems such as fights or other altercations that may affect other clients. All dogs are required to be registered and microchipped, and to be internally and externally dewormed. The following cases will not be allowed into Bockland premises: Dogs under 4 months of age, female dogs in heat, sick dogs or dogs undergoing medical treatment for which Bockland’s dynamic may present a hazard to their health, dogs of dangerous breeds or potentially dangerous breeds, and dogs that show aggressive behavior.

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